Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Withrow High Class of 1978 40th Reunion

March 2018 Greetings 1978 Alumni,

Hard to believe but once again it’s time to unite for our Withrow High 40th Class Reunion.

Mark your calendars for our 40th 🐯 class reunion on Saturday, July 14, 2018 
Our main event will be held at Kennedy Heights Arts Center Lindner Annex
6620 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45213
We will also be having a Meet and Greet event on Friday July 13th 2018, location TBA.

Complete 40th Reunion details and actual cost to be announced soon.
Also we're planning several 💰 fundraisers leading up to the reunion. Stay tuned.
💕Thanks for your patience. We're looking forward to seeing our many classmates this year.
This very special event is quite the task to put together.  We are asking alumni who can to send a donation to help with expenses. 


NOTE: This donation doesn’t include the cost to attend the reunion.
Checks / Money orders should be made out to: “Withrow Class of 1978”
MAIL TO:  Withrow Class of 1978, P.O. Box 12638, Cincinnati, OH  45212
The planning committee needs your HELP!!  We’re on a hunt to find our classmates.  
If you have contact information (e-mail, phone, mail address, social media info)
for any in our class, please send it with their name. 
Also contact updates should be given to the Withrow Alumni office at 513-363-9085
Reunion blog site:

Facebook Group:

Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
The Withrow Class of 1978 Reunion Planning Committee
Mary Turner 513-490-9127                            Trivia Turner 513-834-0562
Sandi Sturdivant-Carter 513-253-7922       Pat Stephens-Hunley 513-488-9466
 Priscilla Thornton 513-254-1812                   Kenney (Cornbread) Hammond 513-344-0497
 Will Underwood 513-615-4717

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